About Us

1. Who Are We?

We're a bunch of geeks obsessed with open source licenses. Yes, our weekend activities include reading legal texts and data licensing terms. We know it sounds more boring than watching paint dry, but hey, someone's got to do it, right?

2. What Do We Do?

We created this website to help developers like you navigate the ocean of open source licenses. Think of us as the lighthouse keepers of the open source world, except our lighthouse is built with code and terrible puns.

3. Why Choose Us?

  • We translate boring legal jargon into human language (and some bad jokes)
  • Our license chooser understands your needs better than your ex
  • Our data visualizations make you feel like a data scientist (even if you can't tell a bar chart from a pie chart)
  • We guarantee our website is 100% lawyer-free (unless you see one in the mirror)

4. Our Secret Weapons

We proudly present two killer features:

  1. License Comparison Tool: It's like a dating show for open source licenses. You can compare different licenses side by side to see which one is the perfect match for your project. Warning: May cause decision paralysis.
  2. License Usage Chart: We've turned boring data into pretty bubbles. This way, you can pretend you're looking at modern art instead of studying license usage statistics.

5. Our Mission

Our mission is to make it easy for every developer to find the right open source license for their project. We believe that even the most complex legal issues can be explained with a bad metaphor. If you're still confused after our explanations, don't worry, that means you're normal.

6. Join Us

If you love open source, enjoy legal texts, and have some terrible jokes to share, you're the person we're looking for! Join us in making open source licensing fun. Warning: May lead to being the center of attention at parties (because no one understands what you're talking about) and eternal singledom on dating sites (because your profile is full of license puns).

7. Disclaimer

While we strive to provide accurate and useful information, please remember that we're not lawyers (well, most of us aren't). Our advice is about as legally binding as the legal advice you get in a bar: it sounds good but might get you in trouble. For any important decisions, please consult with a real legal professional.